but with GOOD TASTE!

"Mangiar Bene (Eating Well)" is the first step to living a long and fit life

Following a balanced diet and a balanced nutritional regime that ensures the right supply of nutrients to the body is essential to ensure the wellbeing of body and mind and maintain a good nutritional education.


The “Mangiar Bene” shop has been designed to offer a practical and fast shopping experience. The selected products, of the highest quality, are displayed in the centre of the room and on the side walls, guaranteeing a wide choice in terms of flavours, time and serenity.

Fresh products

At “Mangiar Bene”, you will find a wide selection of fresh products:
from the best gluten-free pizza to bread, including cakes, fresh pasta and doughnuts.

Coeliac disease

Coeliac disease is a permanent intolerance to gluten and the only possible cure is a gluten-free diet, which can be followed without compromising the pleasure of good food.

To learn more about the issue of coeliac disease, from symptoms to causes and treatments, it is advisable to consult the official website of the AIC – Italian Coeliac Association (Associazione Italiana Celiachia):